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Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney says we need to move away from the remediation model; instead we need an accommodations model for all learners and thinkers around which we design more inclusive educational and working environments.

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Jonathan Mooney

Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate

Jonathan Mooney

Jonathan Mooney is an award-winning writer and Neurodiversity Advocate with dyslexia and ADHD. He’s also the founder of Eye-to-Eye , an award-winning national mentoring, advocacy, and movement building organization for students with learning and attention differences.


We got to move away from the make the square peg fit the round hole, remediation model, which is all about, not just identifying the deficits, but remediating the deficits, to an accommodation model.
Accommodation should be the foundational principle that we design learning and working environments around.

For more information about learning disabilities, please visit This video was made possible by a partnership between the National Education Association and WETA.

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