My name is Nicole Smith and I am a graduate student in the Physical Education department at the University of Victoria. As part of my master’s thesis I am conducting a study investigating the effects of physical activity on the behavioral symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. I am looking for parents who have children that have been diagnosed with ADHD and are willing to fill out a short questionnaire about their child’s ADHD diagnosis, symptoms and physical activity habits.
If you are a parent and are interested in participating in my study, please click on the following link for further information:
If after reading this information and consent form, you would like to participate, please click on the following link to fill out the questionnaire:
We are desperately looking for participants, so if you have a child with ADHD, please think about participating, or, if you know a parent with ADHD, please tell them!
Thank you for your time.
Nicole Smith