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Jonathan Mooney

Jonathan Mooney

Jonathan Mooney is an award-winning writer and Neurodiversity Advocate with dyslexia and ADHD. He’s also the founder of Eye-to-Eye , an award-winning national mentoring, advocacy, and movement building organization for students with learning and attention differences.

Jonathan Mooney is a dyslexic writer, speaker, and do-gooder who did not lean to read until he was 12 years old. He faced a number of low expectations growing up — he was told he would flip burgers, be a high school dropped out, and end up in jail. Needless to say there hopeful prophecies didn’t come to pass. Opposed to being a high school drop out he became a college graduate from Brown University with an honors degree in English lit; instead of flipping burgers he ended up writing books, the first of which he wrote at the end of the 23 as an undergrad; And instead of becoming an inmate he become an advocate creating organizations and initiatives that help people who get the short end of the stick.

He’s won many awards —The Harry S. Truman fellowship for public services, Finalist for a Roads Scholarship, LA Achievement award from The Lab school of Washington where he shared the stage with Vice President Joe Biden—and been featured in/on HBO, NPR, The New York Times, NBC, Fast company, and many other media outlets.  But what he’s most proud of is not that I proved some people how doubted him wrong — but that I proved the many people — my mom, a teacher named Mr. R, my wife Rebecca—right, not just about my potential but about the potential for all of us who live and learn differently.

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Books by this author

The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal
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